Ten Things Newsletter

  1. “Successful speaking has four divisions. The first consists in speaking to the purpose, the next to the requisite length, the third before the proper audience, and the fourth at the proper moment. The things to the purpose are those which are likely to be expedient for speaker and hearer. The requisite length is that which is neither more nor less than enough. To speak to the proper audience means this: in addressing persons older than yourself, the discourse must be suitable to the audience as being elderly men; whereas in addressing juniors the discourse must be suitable to young men. The proper time of speaking is neither too soon nor too late; otherwise you will miss the mark and not speak with success.” - Diogenes Laertius

  2. “It is fitting for men to take account of their souls rather than of their bodies; for a perfect soul corrects wickedness of body, but strength of body without reasoning makes the soul no better at all.” - Democritus

  3. “The world is very, very beautiful if you look at it, but most people don’t look very much, with an intensity, do they?” - David Hockney

  4. “Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good; and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim.” - Aristotle

  5. Noêma; Greek, meaning thought or concept. “There was a saying - hama noêmati sumbainein - to be as quick as thought.” - James Urmson

  6. A new book I discovered: Plato’s Moral Psychology by Rachana Kamtekar, who is noted for her excellent scholarship in ancient philosophy.

  7. “What one fool can do, another can”. - Silvanus P. Thompson

  8. A piece of art that I enjoyed - Study of a Woman from Behind by Federico Zandomeneghi - especially since the artist displays mastery over pastel, a notoriously difficult medium to use!

  9. “What Judge and Hurst discovered from this 25-year longitudinal study was quite profound. They found that people with higher self-confidence in 1979 ended up with higher income levels and career satisfaction in 2004.” - Tom Rath & Barry Conche

  10. “Invulnerability rests,
With self;
With the enemy.” - Sun Tzu

