On Perceptual Systems


Earth is filled with perceptual systems. Human perceptual systems, dragonfly perceptual systems, and owl perceptual systems to name a few. The list is big. But what kind of thing is a perceptual system?

A perceptual system is a means for building a model of the world from the extraction of physical information. In having a perception of my computer in front of me, my nervous system organises, computes and transforms physical information into something that manifests internally; the image of my perception.

Perceptual systems are a group of physical properties that work together to make up a unique naturally existing object––a perceptual system. Not only have the processes of evolution brought about innumerable animal forms, but they’ve also brought about systems capable of extracting information, rendering, and holding a wholly unique copy of the world inside those forms. Through perceptual systems, many organisms are able to simultaneously perceive the world and choose the information they will dynamically interact with. Perceptual systems are used as a solution to the information bottlenecking problem. The world contains a vast amount of information, and perceptual systems are a natural intermediary object that are able to control the flow of physical information within organisms.

Perceptual systems can be classified as unique natural objects in the same way planets, stars or galaxies are unique natural objects.

· notes, perception